Review – Lenovo Legion T7 34IAZ7 – Intel Core i9 12900K + RTX 3080Ti – ENGLISH VERSION

Scris de: , in categoria: Diverse, in 7 December, 2021.

Final thoughts

Because we are an enthusiast oriented website, and enthusiasts usually enjoy building their own system, we sometimes tend to overlook branded desktops. After all, we’ve dedicated 5 reviews to Legion notebooks this year, but we haven’t tested a Legion desktop since 2019. In fact, we’ve only tested two desktop systems in the last two years, one of which was built by a local enthusiast integrator, with custom loop watercooling, and the other being the subject we are using for a modding competition.

So, as I said, most of us prefer to build our own PC. In fact, this is one of the reasons we upgrade to a new PC… to build it the way we want it. And yet, maybe some people don’t have time for that… or maybe they don’t know how… Or, especially nowadays, maybe they can’t find the right components in stock.

For example, DDR5 memory is still very hard to come by in most stores, and RTX 3080Ti is available for prices that could make even an RTX 3090 blush. So now might be a pretty good time to buy a branded system, don’t you think? And Lenovo Legion T7 34IAZ7 is definitely one of the options you should look out for, when it hits the shelves. Because it’s not only one of the most powerful desktop systems I’ve ever tested, but also one of the most balanced, well-configured and carefully built branded systems I’ve ever tested.

And I say this because Lenovo used a spacious, good looking enclosure, with a well-thought airflow, a PSU perfectly sized for the needs of the system, a fast SSD, and a cooling system capable of handling the Alder Lake beast. Last but not least, we are dealing with the most powerful Intel CPU available at the moment, one of the most powerful graphics cards of the moment, as well as 64GB DDR5, which is more than enough for most users.

And a modern platform also means modern connectivity, like 2.5Gbe LAN, Wi-Fi 6E and USB 3.2 Gen 2 × 2. Basically, as I said earlier in this review, the only downsides are the lack of a modern audio codec, respectively the lack of a USB-C connector on the front panel. And I would also like to add, the lack of an XMP option in BIOS – our RAM is DDR5 4800, but without an XMP option to turn on, it runs at DDR5 4000.

Of course, we are talking about a high-end, powerful desktop, so the price for the configuration we tested will be around ~ 3000 Euro + VAT, depending on country, once Legion T7 34IAZ7 hits the stores. And with most RTX 3080Ti being sold right now for 2000 Euros, that means Lenovo Legion T7 34IAZ7 has an unbeatable value for money, which is why we look forward to see it in stores. Especially since there will also be configurations with 12700K and RTX 3060Ti, for those who need a more price friendly option.


2 comentarii la: Review – Lenovo Legion T7 34IAZ7 – Intel Core i9 12900K + RTX 3080Ti – ENGLISH VERSION

  1. Totul este despre pandemie!

    In urma cu cativa ani, ma jucam cu configuratorul Apple si eram uimit de preturile cerute pentru un Mac. Azi, am aceeasi senzatie cand ma uit la preturile pentru un PC. 3600 de euro pentru un sistem, la care se evidentiaza doar procesorul si placa grafica, fiind modele de varf. In rest, mediocritate pe toata linia: o sursa destul de slabuta, nici macar cu certificare Platinum, ce sa mai vorbim de Titanium. SI cred ca 3080 Ti merita macar 1000 de watti. O racire incredibil de zgomotoasa pentru 2021. Imi aduc aminte cum era criticata RX 5700 XT – aici, pe lab501, in 2019 – din cauza unui nivel de zgomot similar. Azi, e noua normalitate, cel putin pentru CPU-urile Intel. Doar trei ventilatoare pe o carcasa foarte economica, ca sa ma exprim elegant. Un HDD de doar 2 TB in 2021. Si ar mai fi de comentat, dar cred ca ideea e clara.

    Dar pretul, asta e, pretul. Da, domnul Monstru are dreptate. Cand doar placa grafica e aproape 11.000 de lei, si o combini cu un procesor de varf, aia 18.000 de lei ceruti pe acest sistem Lenovo incep sa sune ca o afacere foarte buna pentru client. Bargain, ce mai. Si o spun fara ironie. In contextul pietei.

    Asa ca m-amn uitat un pic pe net (sa ma dumiresc si eu) si am cautat vanzarile globale de CPU-uri si GPU-uri. Si, ce sa vezi, in ciuda pandemiei, intreruperilor de productie si de distributie, razboaielor comerciale etc, ei bine, astea cresc de la an la an. CPU-urile cu o medie de 4% pe an, iar in 2021 se asteapta o crestere de 6% fata de 2020 (sursa: IC Insights). Iar la placi grafice, in trimestrul doi din 2021 s-au livrat 123 de milioane de unitati, cu o crestere de 37% fata de trimestrul doi din anul 2020 (sursa: Jon Peddie Research).

    Concluzia: nici vorba de scadere de productie. Dimpotriva. Atat productia, cat si vanzarile, au crescut. Si, atunci, ce s-a schimbat? Cum de am ajuns in situatia in care un sistem bunicel sa coste cat toate (sau aproape toate) electrocasnicele detinute de o familie normala si moderna, care traieste in secolul XXI?! Nu ma refer aici la oleduri in fiecare camera…

    Pandemia si schimbarea obiceiurilor populatiei, trecerea la munca de acasa si disponibilitati financiare care ar fi fost indreptate normal in alte directii (turism, etc), despre asta vorbim. Asta e epoca. Astea sunt vremurile.

    Singurul meu regret este ca nu am cumparat cateva mici pachete de actiuni la Pfizer, Nvidia, AMD si Tesla. Dar daca eram clarvazator, nu mai scriam eu la ora asta comentarii pe lab501. Eventual predictii economice in Wall Street Journal, cu trei Nobeluri pentru economie atarnate de gat, in stil pur romanesc

  2. Monstru Post author a scris pe:

    Productia nu a scazut niciodata. Dar cererea a crescut mult mai mult decat productia. Pe de o parte pentru ca obiceiurile de consum s-au schimbat, asa cum spui si tu. Oamenii lucreaza de acasa, invata de acasa, este nevoie de mai mult de un PC sau notebook per familie. Din pacate insa, asta nu este tot, iar crypto-mining-ul a acaparat o mare parte din placile video disponibile in ultimii doi ani. Motiv pentru care cererea este mai mare decat oferta si am ajuns la preturi absolut aberante pentru placile video.

    Legat de sistem, una este nivelul de zgomot al unei placi video si alta este nivelul de zgomot al unui intreg sistem. O placa video care produce atata galagie este foarte galagioasa. Un sistem este normal. E logic, nu crezi?

    Cat despre restul dotarilor… da, as fi preferat o sursa Seasonic Platinum, dar tot de 850W, este arhisuficienta. Cat despre stocare… fiecare isi cam poate pune ce vrea in el. Eu as fi mers pe SSD-uri NVMe mai mari.

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